Week 27 - Forever Finding

by 8:38 AM 0 comments

It's been another exciting week in Bergamo... For starters, I just made my first ragù using wine this week! For Italians, using wine in your cooking is a MUST. I admit, it did feel a little weird being a Mormon missionary purchasing a big bottle of wine, but let me tell you, I made some pretty dang good ragù (my companion can vouch for me).

On a more missionary related note, our investigator, Alessandro, almost has a baptismal date! I say almost because although there isn't an official date set, he already told us the man he wants to be baptized by (a friend he met at a stake activity). He has read and prayed about the Book of Mormon, and knows it is true! However, he still doesn't feel like he knows enough to accept a baptismal date quite yet. Nonetheless, Anziano Stahali and I are beyond stoked! 

Now, on a half missionary related note and half just-pure-awesome note, Anziano Stahali and I had some quality family time with the Ghillardi family on Saturday. If you don't remember, Brother Ghillardi is the most incredible dry Mormon you'll ever meet (he's not baptized, but his family is). So, on Saturday morning, Anziano Stahali and I got to wear something other than a white shirt and tie in public, and go over to help the Ghillardi family do some painting at one of their relative's house (who is 94 years old)! It was exciting working side by side with Brother Ghillardi all morning because I really think our relationship with him grew quite a bit (even if the missionaries may not have been the best painters in the world ;p).

One thing I've been trying to work on this week is starting conversations with people on public transportation. On our way to appointments, it's been really easy just to sit back on the bus or the train and just enjoy the ride. However, I was pondering my mission this past week and if there is one thing that I might have regrets for when I go back home, it's my "forever finding" efforts (starting up gospel conversations with people at other times than the designated times you go out tracting). I've found it very uncomfortable starting up conversations with people on public transportation because I feel uncomfortable putting strangers in an inconvenient situations. When I say inconvenient, I'm referring to the fact that I have Jesus Christ's name on my shirt. People know I talk about Christ. However, the people I start gospel conversations with obviously don't have a black missionary tag on their lapel. So, when I engage someone in a conversation about a gospel doctrine, I'm forcing them to talk about their personal views in front of the other strangers on the bus. All this being said, I came to a realization this week. I realized that forever finding isn't just about helping others, or even helping me. I need to do it because it's what Jesus Christ wants. Christ wants me to have his name always on my lips, so I can stand as a witness of his atoning sacrifice. THAT is why I need to do forever finding.




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