Week 23 - Too much hand talking?

by 8:09 PM 0 comments

Life has been a constant adventure with Anziano Mastino. ;) People have threatened to call the police on me a few different times in my life and earlier this week, I got to hear that threat in Italian. Anziano Mastino and I were visiting one of our African investigators for the first time at his house (normally we meet at the train station because he's a 40 minute bus ride from Pistoia). Not long after arriving at his house, some government workers came to make sure things were in order at the house for a routine, daily checkup. Unfortunately, the government workers didn't seem too happy that the Mormon missionaries were inside the house and told us to leave immediately (apparently, it's a rule that we can't preach inside some of the government owned African houses). Anziano Mastino and I readily complied and we left the house immediately. But, before we left the property, Anziano Mastino wanted to take a few pictures of the house (he likes taking pictures of places he's been). That's when all heck broke lose! The government workers came storming out of the house when they saw Anziano Mastino taking the pictures and started yelling at us! And since Anziano Mastino is a very by-the-law type of guy, he didn't want to leave until he could properly explain to the workers that he wasn't doing anything illegal. They weren't buying a word he said and were getting pretty riled up. Needless to say, I don't think they lied when they told us they were going to call the police on us. Fortunately, we took a bus within minutes and got out of there!!

I was feeling like a frustrated dad earlier this week as I took care of some "house maintenance". The office wanted all the mission apartments to get their hot water tank inspected, so Anziano Mastino and I had a repair man come take a look at our tank a few days ago. I used the terminology "frustrated dad" because the repairmen was in our house for less than 20 minutes and charged €110 for his services! I should also mention during the short time span the repairman was in our house, he was able to send TWO text messages... Hmmm! I felt like a frustrated dad because even though I'll be getting reimbursed for the money I payed the man (out of YOUR tithing money- thank you very much), it was ridiculous! I payed a man over 100 bucks to take off the cover of our hot water tank and spray some windex on the dusty inside. If you really want to put things into perspective, consider this: The Mormon missionaries teach people how they can obtain EXALTATION for FREE (a service infinitely greater for a price infinitely less).  

Besides from feeling like a frustrated dad this week, I also was able to feel like Elder Holland for a minute. During companionship inventory this week, Anziano Mastino told me I need to stop using so many dramatic hand motions when stopping people on the street. He told me that I was being too bold and might be scaring some people. And considering a man born in Italy (the hand motion capitol of the world) is telling me that... Maybe I better switch my boldness from Elder Holland to Elder Eyring status during my street contacting efforts. ;p 

Life is good family, life is good! As a missionary, I haven't felt a ton of stress. But, as of lately, I've been worried about the man in my ward who thinks he is Jesus. It's getting really bad and he keeps on talking about an event that's going to occur THIS Monday. Considering last time we met with the man, he showed us the "nail prints" in his hand, I have a lot of anxiety of what the event is going to entail on Monday. 

Leaning Tower of Pisa



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