Week 22 - "B" on my Italian test

by 7:58 PM 0 comments

I have some sad news and some happy news to share with you guys this week. I don't know what type of news you guys like hearing first, so I'll start by getting the depressing news out of the way. Abel isn't going to be getting baptized anytime soon. His baptism was scheduled for the 9th and then pushed to the 24th, but he's got a ways to go before he can enter the waters of baptism. He has been a major blessing in my life over the past couple months because of his deep love for the Book of Mormon. He loves that book with a passion and it's been incredible getting to witness his testimony of the book grow! Unfortunately, Abel wasn't baptized on the 9th and won't be baptized on the 24th. Only God can say when Abel's real baptismal date will be. But as for now, Anziano Mastino and I will be like Alma the younger and continue to bare powerful testimony against him (take a gander at Alma 4:19 ;)). We've been teaching Abel a little bit with Solomon and it's been incredible to hear our new convert's powerful testimony. 

Now for the happy news... Anziano Mastino and I have been having a lot of success tracting this week! I'm not sure why we've been so successful lately (although I have been wearing a pretty rad beanie lately that may or may not have something to do with it), but it's been glorious. I don't have time to tell you guys about all the awesome people we met this week, but I'll tell you a about a woman we met yesterday. Anziano Mastino was talking on the phone to a member on our ward when I stopped a lady on the street and started talking to her. Our conversation was centered a lot on why faith is important and how faith can bring true happiness if you have faith in the right things. She talked about how she used to have that faith, but has since lost it. After about three minutes, I asked the big question: "Can we make a return appointment to talking about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ?" She happily agreed! I know this story doesn't sound like anything special, but I was so excited. For one, she seemed really prepared to hear our message. For two, she is ITALIAN! And for three, I didn't have any help in conversing with her and getting her contact information. B-)

In other tracting news, we met a 16 year-old girl the other day while tracting and she seemed super interested in the gospel. We set up a follow appointment for a few days later and thought we were about to start teaching a golden investigator. So, when she wasn't at the designated meeting location at the time our appointment was supposed to start, we were a little surprised. Luckily, our fears quickly subsided when we called her and found out that she was running a little late and would be there soon. Unfortunately, she never came. And even more unfortunately, she has yet to pick up another call from the Pistoia Anziani.

Comunque, Anziano Mastino and I had a pretty cool experience this past week when we decided to stop by the Hydes's house after we had visited one of our I investigators who lives pretty close to them. We didn't have much of a reason to stop by the Hydes, we just felt like we should. Upon arriving at their house, we found out that Anziano Hyde was really sick! So, we were able to give him a priesthood blessing! It was really cool to feel like an instrument in the Lord's hands. As our investigator Abel always says, "The Lord works through others to bless your life."

Also, I had my first interview with President Dibb this week and it was so scary! I thought mission interviews were just to make sure life was running smoothly and that there was no obedience or companion problems. However, during my interview, President Dibb asked me to pretend like he was an investigator and to teach him the restoration lesson! It felt very similar to 10th grade Olympia High School French class with Mrs. Soubois; I felt like he was grading my Italian skills Luckily, I think I walked out of the interview with at least a letter B grade. ;)



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