Week 28 - Keep Smiling

by 7:44 PM 0 comments

As for my week here in Bergamo, I feel like I don't have much news to share... The time between each p-day feels like it's getting shorter and shorter every week! I felt like a million bucks last Saturday night because Anziano Stahali gave me, what I thought, was a pretty great haircut. Anziano Stahali didn't know how to cut hair before his mission, but has cut quite a few Elders' hair since being here. I was feeling like a million bucks after he cut my hair in a manner that made it so that I could "swoop" my bangs (instead of my normal spiked bangs). Unfortunately, that million buck feel quickly turned into a dollar store feel upon arriving at church the next day. A girl in my ward came up to me and told me that I looked a lot better before I got the haircut... Gotta love the Italian culture bluntness! ;p Although, that being said, the bluntness of this culture did work out to my advantage earlier this week when a lady that attends our English class gave me a big bottle of delicious smelling lotion because she said my hands were gross (they were a LITTLE dry). ;)

Yesterday was a pretty cool day because I was doing missionary work in Bergamo, yet, not with Anziano Stahali. Since Anziano Stahali is the district leader, we do scambios with the other Anziani in our district AND the zone leaders during each transfer. So, yesterday, I got to be Anziano Simmons' companion for the day. He's from California and is a forever-smiler. My mouth was literally hurting by the end of the scambio trying to match his happy demeanor! ;p Nonetheless, I learned a lot from him. For starters, I learned that you can get some INCREDIBLE sleep popping a melatonin pill before bed. And regarding missionary work, I learned some "missionary hacks" to better work with the members in my ward. I need to tell you guys about a man named Kenny I met on the scambio. It was hilarious because we had a lesson with him and before going into it, Anziano Simmons warned me that I was about to get really tired. I was a little confused, but I soon realized what he meant. I have never been closer to falling asleep during the middle of the day here in Italy than during that lesson with Kenny. I really hope Kenny's wife is an insomniac because his voice KNOCKS YOU OUT (don't forget to add the emphasis on those three words when you read them)!

As for missionary work with my real companion, Anziano Stahali, we are getting excited! Alessandro's desire to be baptized is making "his" missionaries pretty dang happy too. Whenever he prays during a lesson, he always blesses HIS missionaries and it's literally the best feeling in the world. Right now, Alessandro still is waiting to set an official date for his baptism because he wants to have a better foundation of the doctrine. But, the baptism in his mind isn't an if at this point, it's just a when. We won't be able to help him increase his foundation of the gospel doctrine for a couple weeks because he's going on vacation. Fortunately, with his testimony of daily scripture study, that shouldn't be a problem. :D

Jesus Christ's church is on the earth today. We have a Heavenly Father who we can communicate with and receive answers from through prayer. Remember to never stop changing the little things in your lives' that will bring you closer in line with Jesus Christ and his perfect Gospel (even when the changes may seem insignificant).



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