Week 18 - Better than a new car

by 7:24 PM 0 comments

Christmas in Italy
In our last lesson, Abel described the spirit this week during a
lesson as, "The same feeling I would get if I just found out I won a
car." So, you know it had to be a good week for me because I got to
feel like I had just won a car during my WHOLE week. ;) To start off
with, I've got some funny news, sad news, some hilariously sad news,
and some unknown news. 

For the funny news, this week during a lesson, Anziano Mastino told the 
man we were teaching that we had another
appointment to go to and we'd have to end the lesson. The man then
preceded to antagonize Anziano Mastino by claiming that the only
reason we were leaving him after a "short 40 minute lesson" was
because he was black. IT WAS HILARIOUS! 

As for the sad news, I had my first investigator give back his Book of Mormon
 this week... I guess now the book can go to someone that will treasure it, 
but it was still a little sad. :( 

And regarding the hilariously sad news, we called a
random potential from our phone this week and tried to set-up an
appointment with him. It got a little awkward when I told him we had a
message about God we wanted to share with him because he kept on
thinking I was saying "job"... Needless to say, he was pretty
disappointed when he realized I didn't have a job for him. 

And finally, onto the unknown news: Dad, what did you email my bishop?? At
church this Sunday, my bishop came up to me and told me that you had
sent him an email! ;p

I was on cloud 9 earlier this week when Anziano Mastino and I were
waiting for a bus. A lady approached me and was VERY happy to see me,
but I had no idea who she was. After a little conversing, I realized
that she was a lady I talked to a couple months ago on a bus! I
remembered her because when I met her, I was alone. Anziano Gibbons
was talking to another person on the bus and I remember making such a
fool out of myself stumbling through my sub-par Italian. I remember
our conversation being awkward, but I remember that she really liked
me (although she wasn't interested in the gospel). But, now, when we
talked, she could understand me and was impressed with how much my
Italian has improved! She even commended me on my Tuscany accent. It
felt SO good!

Speaking of Tuscan accents, I want to let you guys know that I'm going
to come home speaking the most beautiful Italian, Italy has to offer.
Here in Tuscany, people change the c sound to an h sound and it's
something that makes understanding people very difficult! For example,
instead of going to the store "Coop", people here go to "Hoop". I've
been trying to practice speaking with the accent because I think
although the Italian is harder for me to understand, it's a lot more
soothing to the ear. My goal by the end of the mission is to talk to
someone and make them think that I'm originally from Tuscany (I might
have to cover up my super non-Italian surname on my missionary tag).
;) It was kind of funny a few days ago when I was reading a general
conference talk in English and didn't understand a word ... I read it
over and over again, but didn't know what it was! FINALLY, my brain
read it how it's pronounced in English (I was reading the word as if
it was Italian) and realized it said "capacity".

In other news, I saw the coolest thing commencing a couple days ago...
While Anziano Mastino and I were doing some tracting, we found two of
our investigators Bible bashing each other on the street! One of the
men is a Jehovah's Witness and the other goes to a Pentecostal church.
Each of the men had their Bible in hand and were ferociously flipping
to different scriptures to try and prove the other's argument wrong.
Anziano Mastino and I didn't join in, but hopefully with the help of
the Book of Mormon, we can lay out the gospel of Christ how it truly
is in a future lesson with them- separately. ;)

It's a magical time of year, family. Yesterday was especially glorious
because in addition to some awesome missionary work that took place, I
got to drink homemade eggnog and see a couple of the Anziani from my
MTC group at zone conference! And then last night, during a ward
caroling activity in Pistoia, I literally had the most fun I've had my
whole mission! While the ward members sang, me and Anziano Mastino
were handing out A Savior Is Born pass-a-long cards. What made this
activity so fun was the fact that Anziano Mastino and I got a little
help passing out the cards... A man in our ward brought three of his
little kids with him to the activity and his kids wanted to be
missionaries too! So, the three little kids and I (all under age 10)
had a little competition to see who could pass out more cards. I think
I probably handed out a few hundred pass-a-long cards during the 90
minute activity and they handed out less than 50 altogether, but it
was AMAZING having them working with me! When one of the kids got a
stranger to take a pass-a-long he would always SUPER excited and came
running back to the other two brothers for hugs and high-fives.



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