Week 19 - A Savior is Born

by 7:32 PM 0 comments

I got a haircut from Solomon
this week after we taught him a lesson! It definitely wasn't the best
haircut I ever received, but I was pleasantly surprised with the final
outcome. Unfortunately, when I got back to our apartment the night
after getting the haircut, I wanted to do a little finessing. So, with
scissors in hand, I started to do a little cutting... And then a
little more... Then some more... And well, my hair is now a disaster!
The hair on top of my head is not the least bit even and I have two
big bald spots (it's harder cutting hair than Solomon made it look).
And to make matters worse, our sink is now having issues from all the
hair that I washed down the drain... Oops! After my little hair
incident, I was debating shaving my head down to a really low number,
but I decided I better just leave it. Needless to say, the youth in my
ward thought it was pretty funny seeing Anziano Anderson on Sunday!
...Hopefully President Dibb will find the same humor with my hair
incident next week during our interview.

I also want to share a random thing regarding my companion that you
guys might be interested in knowing... He HATES smoking! I'm pretty
sure we all hate smoking, but his hatred for smoking is on another
level. ;p He'll hold his breathe for 10-20 seconds when we pass
smokers on the street and always lets out big groans when someone next
to us lights up a cigarette. But, the thing that I've been finding
hilarious is the encounters he's been having with smokers in the train
station. The Prato and Pistoia train stations have big buildings for
people to wait for their train in. The buildings have big doors
connected to the outside, so even though you have a roof over your
head, it still feels like you're waiting outside. Nonetheless, there
are signs in the buildings that prohibit smoking and unfortunately,
there's a lot of people that disregard these signs... That's where the
funniness comes in. Anziano Mastino goes up to people smoking in these
buildings and basically says the equivalent of, "Hey! Read the sign:
It says no smoking! If you want to do that, you have to go outside."
And since most adults don't like being commanded by a 28 year old kid,
there have been some pretty funny exchanging of words I've witnessed
this week. ;p I think even if any of my future companions hate smoking
as much as Anziano Mastino, none of them are going to have the Italian
boldness to do what he's been doing.

Regarding missionary work, this is going to be an exciting week! First
of all, we still have a couple thousand A Savior Is Born pass-a-long
cards left, so we are going to be passing those out like mad (I'm
still not quite sure why we were given so many). And also, we'll get
to see our two most promising investigators again this week, Abel and
Kevin! Unfortunately, we haven't been able to see either one of them
for the past 10ish days (due to a variety of reasons), so I'm looking
forward to seeing where both their testimonies currently stand.

Before I sign off for this, I'll leave you guys with a quick reminder
to not forget how blessed you are. You were all given a basic
education! This week, a couple ladies in our ward started teaching
Nosa Italian and Anziano Mastino went this first week to make sure
everything went smoothly (the ladies don't know English and Nosa
doesn't understand any Italian). It was a humbling experience watching
a man in his 20's learn the alphabet. During the next two years, I
don't think I have a rite ever to feel discouraged about my
progression in the Italian language. We've all been given so much;
let's not forget to use these great gifts we've been given for good! 



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