Week 32 - No hard boiled eggs

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I must admit, I was feeling pretty shot down earlier this week when Anziano Buckles and I realized that our golden potential named Giacomo wasn't interested in the gospel anymore. I don't know what happened, but Giacomo wants NOTHING to do with the Mormon missionaries... This has been the second time in my mission where a golden potential named Giacomo has yielded no promising results.  I'm not sure if Giacomo encountered an anti-Mormon friend or read some weird stuff online, but it was really hard finding out that he didn't want to meet with us again. As for the other events that made up my week, I can't complain. After all, we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Sunday!

The ward gospel principles teacher called us on Wednesday night and asked us to give the lesson on Sunday and we happily agreed. After the call, Anziano Buckles and I had a nice little laugh because we knew we knew something that the gospel principles teacher didn't.; it was general conference Sunday and there would be no normal lessons! ...Imagine our surprise when on Saturday night, we realized general conference was the FOLLOWING weekend! 

Despite giving the gospel principles lesson at church, Easter was a very tranquil day! After church, we had a pretty amusing lunch appointment with a South American family. For lunch, they made a seafood pasta and chicken, with a surprise at the end. The seafood pasta and chicken weren't the best food I ate during my week, but they were definitely both edible. When the mom of the family brought out the surprise at the ending to the meal, I had to take a large gulp. I have a rule that if something smells like death, I don't eat it. So, when she brought out the surprise boiled eggs, I politely told her that I was not a fan of them. The mom was totally chill with my decision and ended up giving my portion of boiled eggs to Anziano Buckles (who isn't the biggest fan of them, but was too polite to refuse). Needless to say, it felt like Christmas morning getting to see Anziano Buckles choke down his AND my portion of boiled eggs! :D

Easter afternoon didn't let me down either! We had a lesson with one of our new investigators, Alex. Alex is a man from Nigeria who LOVES us. He knows the Bible from front to back and will talk about God with you all day. It also helps that we are "two nice dressed men from America". During our first lesson with us, he insisted on buying us a meal from McDonald's. It wasn't a super expensive meal, but considering he doesn't have a job and just barely met us, it was rather humbling. During our lessonon Sunday, before getting down to missionary business, he wanted to introduce us to some of his friends in Nigeria using a video streaming app. It was a very surreal experience sitting in a park bench in Italy talking to Alex's friends that are hundreds of miles away! 

My friend, Alex

I don't fully understand what the Nigerians in this country had to do to get here. I don't fully understand why God allows so many Nigerians to die or get captured by Liberians along the voyage. But, I am not taking it for granted that I get to meet some of these God-sent men. 



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