Week 29 - Leaving the Dream

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I feel like I haven't been nearly as out-going as I should've been on Sunday's with the members. I realized that I've always just kind of tagged along with my companion and joined the conversations he starts with members. But, last Sunday, I broke off from my companion and I had some awesome conversations with people! As for eating with the members, an average meal goes like this: ragù/pesto pasta or lasagna, meat (and lots of it), and then cheese and salad (followed by dessert of course). I have grown to really like pesto and cheese. There is nothing like a big hunk of nice cheese that's smothered in marmalade! I can also eat tomatoes and any type of meat without a problem (I still wouldn't say I "enjoy" them though).

Before I can recount any exciting events from my week, I have to let it be known that we got our transfer calls earlier this week. To say I have mixed emotions right now is an understatement. Before we got our transfer news, I was POSITIVE I would remain here in Bergamo considering Anziano Stahali has been here for four transfers and I've only been here for one. But, Heavenly Father had different plans for me. Oddly enough, Anziano Stahali is staying in Bergamo and I'm leaving! I've been called to serve in Livorno, a city on the coast in Tuscany. I am really bummed to be leaving Bergamo because everything about this city is a missionary's dream (apartment, companion, investigators, ward members, and city beauty). 

Bergamo District

However, I don't think Livorno will be so bad. My new companion, Anziano Buckles, will be starting his third transfer... Meaning I'll be senior companion! I'm definitely nervous, but it's time to put my Italian to the test. ;) Also, since I'll be in a double date district (one set of elders and one set of sisters), I'll have the added responsibility of being a district leader! And random fun fact: Sorella Weidman (the Swiss sister from my MTC group) will be in my district! 

As for my week here in Bergamo, this week was definitely a fantastic way to end my stay here. Feimaa was baptized on Saturday night and it was awesome getting to be a part of it all. You could tell she was on cloud nine having the whole night dedicated to her and her baptism (she's a VERY shy girl). Between *witnessing* Feimaa's baptism (did you catch that Mormon joke?) and seeing her dad in his traditional Ghana gown, it was definitely a Saturday night for the books.

And while we're on days for the books, I'll have to add the following Sunday to the books too. Anziano Stahali and I spent over 10 hours in the church building on Sunday, but that's not even the noteworthy Sabbath event... The highlight of my Sunday was getting to see the Garcia family at church! The Garcia family have been less active for a few years and Anziano Stahali and I have been visiting them every week since they got here. Last Sunday was their first Sunday back in church for a few years! The parents have two young boys (ages 9 and 1) and I'm excited for what this gospel is going to do for their lives. 

Want to hear about another incredible person I got the chance to meet here in Bergamo? His name is Victor, he comes to church every week, and has a testimony of Joseph Smith that will bring you to tears. Interesting thing about Victor: he was baptized when he was six! I don't know how it happened, but he was baptized before eight years-old while he was living in Africa. Because of that, his baptism is seen as invalid as far as the church is concerned and he needs to get baptized again. Victor fell away from the church as a young man, but has been active for about a year now. Since then, he has anxiously been awaiting his baptismal date. Unfortunately, even though Victor is ready to be baptized spiritually and testimony wise, he can't. He started a family after falling away from the church and lives with a woman named Happy and his newborn son, Alex. As a result of this, Victor needs to be married to Happy before he can enter the waters of baptism. Victor know this and is diligently saving money and has been going through a difficult legal process in the Italian spousal system for the past year. In about a month, Victor will finally be able to marry Happy! Although, I won't be able to witness Victor's baptism, he's definitely one of the unforgettable people I've met here. 

I also can't forget to tell you about the Amarzit family for Ezra's sake (they are from India). They have two little boys and haven't been in Italy very long. Also, as of recently, they have converted to Christianity from their previous Hindu beliefs. The lessons we've had with the family have been really special because they don't speak English and they speak very little Italian. The Spirit plays a huge roll during every lesson! They have a Book of Mormon and a few gospel pamphlets in their native language and have a gained a testimony of the church as a result of reading and praying about them. They want to be baptized, but they are in a really hard situation... They don't fully understand some key gospel concept (between the language barrier and the fact they aren't coming from a Christian base). As of right now, I really don't know how in the world the family could be baptized. But, Anziano Stahali and I have talked to a member and starting next week, they'll have a ride to church. I know going to church won't help their understanding of the gospel, but I'm glad they'll get to feel the spirit that the Lord's house has to offer.

I could go on and on telling you guys about all the incredible people I got the opportunity to meet here in Bergamo, but I was thinking... You guys can come meet these people for yourselves! There's a hostel here in Bergamo and I think of our hostel experience in San Francisco every time I pass it. ;) And do you guys want to hear a miracle that happened this week? My phone slipped out of my pocket while riding the bus this week (a potential $100 expense) and the guy that found my phone turned out to be awesome! I got my phone back and the guy said we could meet up for a café sometime, so maybe something will come of that. 

That's about all for me, family! I had one of the best nights of my mission last night with the Ghillardi family and know I'm leaving a really special city. I don't think I'll ever stop praying for Brother Ghillardi's heart to be softened to the gospel. I love that family so much!! Nonetheless, I'm stoked to find out what awaits me in Livorno and know there's people I need to meet there (for mine and their benefit). 



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