Week 31 - Answers to Prayers

by 9:07 PM 0 comments

Serving in Italian Pardise
Gelato Squad
MTC Buds at Conference
I didn't get to see a temple dedication this past week, but I did get to shake a hand of a general authority! This weekend there was a stake conference for Florence that I got to attend. It was in a really nice hotel, I got to see all the ward members from the Prato ward (including Solomon and Nosa!!!), and I got to hear Elder Christofferson speak. It was also pretty incredible seeing Anziano Buckles meet a woman at the conference that his dad baptized over 20 years ago while serving a mission in South America. Pretty crazy, right? Anyways, we were fortunate enough to hear from President Christofferson because he was taking care of some church business here in Italy on Saturday and stayed an extra day to attend our stake conference! :D He didn't have any mind blowing revelation for the Italian saints (which I was kind of hoping for), but I can truly testify he is a special witness of Christ. At the conference, I had the special opportunity of hearing Elder Christofferson's testimony in Italian... His wife and him both speak pretty decent Italian (they both bore Italian testimonies after their English talks). And don't tell anyone, but he gave us the inside scoop and he's speaking on fathers at general conference. ;)

In other news, I have to say that I'm loving the warm weather! I feel like a real missionary walking around in public without a jacket or sweater. And I REALLY feel like a missionary when riding my bike in church attire- and a helmet. And thanks to the sisters in my district, my sweaty, stinky feet aren't presenting an issue in the rising temperatures; they've been making me little bags of foot powder that smell like Christmas to help me battle my problem! :D

I should also let you guys know that, but this week I ate the mother of all sandwiches this week. Forget Subway's black-forest ham sandwich or Panera Bread's bacon turkey bravo, I ate a raw beef sandwich this week! At a members house on Friday she made me a sandwich with a raw beef and onion mixture on it and it was UNBELIEVABLE. I had no idea raw beef was even edible (mom always made sure I cooked out all the red when frying meat), but I learned that if it's fresh meat from a properly taken care of cow, it is more than edible... It's nothing short of being titled as a celestial sandwich. But, while we're on the subject of food, I should probably mention that I am not drinking telestial milk aka UHT milk. They don't have UHT milk in America, but it's super popular here in Italy and I am now hooked. It's milk that can sit on your shelf for a few months before going bad (pretty cool right?). Anyways, it's super sketchy and filled with a ton of preservatives, but I am now buying 5 liters a week to save money.

As for Livorno life, it's been a week full of picnics and prayers. Anziano Buckles and I have been having frequent picnics in the backyard of our church due to its close proximity. And let me tell you, language study doesn't get much better than doing it in the Livorno sun. B-) As for the prayers, Anziano Buckles and I have been trying to say constant prayers when out finding to be guided by the spirit! We've already had quite a few miracles as we've included God in HIS work (mind-blowing stuff ;p). For example, not more than 5 seconds after saying a prayer a few nights ago, we ran into a Nigerian man named Steven who is a very God loving man. THEN, as we were talking to Steven, Jerry (the Nigerian man from our ward) was "coincidentally" walking down the street and came up to talk to us. Now, Jerry and Steven have a connection and Steven is excited to meet with the Mormon missionaries again! :D

Then, about 5 minutes after having this experience, we were walking down the street and I see a guy talking to his friend leaned up against the building. Normally, I don't like interrupting people's conversations unless it's a family having a conversation or I feel prompted to do so. HOWEVER, the man leaned up against the wall was wearing overalls. I always start a gospel conversation if I see someone in overalls (that's just my thing). So, I went up and started talking to him and found out his name was Giacomo and he is a young father. After our conversation, we were able to set up an appointment with Giacomo. This might not sound like a big deal, but it was! Giacomo was so... Well, not weird (like the majority of the people that will give the Mormon missionaries some of their time). As we talked about how Jesus Christ's restored church is on the Earth again, tears were streaming down his eyes. I am SO excited to teach him!

I have fury (common Italian phrase translated directly into English)! I hope the Easter Bunny brings you all a little something. ;) But, most importantly, enjoy hearing the words from our prophets next weekend and remembering our Savior's resurrection. Our general authorities have a faith in Christ that is greater than I think most of us can even imagine. They know Jesus Christ and they have all become the powerful men they are today through accessing the atonement in their lives. Let's find something we can take and apply to our lives this weekend!



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.


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