Week 92 - Noah the Cat

by 7:26 PM 0 comments

Happy first day of June! I hope you're all enjoying the warmer weather. Over here in Rimini, the warm weather has helped us become more diligent in our gelato buying. ;) Despite getting a weird foot rash, a cold sore, and the members reeling me that I'm the uglier version of Stefan from Vampire Diaries, it's been a splendid week! Yesterday, we went to Bologna for our zone conference and it was a blast. It's so much fun seeing old friends and hearing from our inspired President. 

I want to give you guys a little update on Roberto (the member) and Paola (the non-member)! We went over to eat at their house last week and after a delicious meal and a round of bingo with Paola's kids, we taught the restoration to them. It was legendary. Paola was very quiet throughout the lesson, but it was obvious she was in deep thought. Seeing as Paola's kids were there, we got to teach the restoration really, really simply. We talked slowly, asked a lot of questions, and used a lot of analogies. At the end of the lesson, we asked one of the kids, "How can we know if Joseph Smith was a prophet of God?" In the simplest way a 9 year old boy can put it, he said, "We need to communicate with God by asking him in a prayer!" Anziano Montalto walked out of their house feeling very satisfied; if her kids understood it, she was sure to have understood it too. Since that lesson, Roberto has messaged us and told us that him and Paola have been reading in the Book of Mormon together! :) Random side note: Paola and her kids decided to name their new cat after me... Noah!!! 

The day after our dinner with Roberto and Paola, we went to Forlì to do a companionship exchange with the missionaries there. Honestly, when we arrived in Forlì, I was just not feeling it! Some days you feel it, some days you don't. When I saw that we had several hours of blankness in the daily schedule, I thought I was going to die. Luckily, after a little brainstorming session with my companion, we decided to do some filming. We went to a local park and asked people if they wanted to participate in a survey about God. If the answer was yes, we filmed their answers. We probably would've had the same success without the video aspect, but it was a lot of fun nonetheless. We got two new numbers of people who wanted to meet with us. By the end of the day, I was feeling it! 

Our Italian class on Saturday went really well! During our spiritual thought, Courage (Daniel's friend) raised his hand to say something. We let him speak and he bore a huge testimony of the Book of Mormon! He's great. 

The highlight of my week was on Monday. Anziano Montalto and I had a little bit of time to fill before we had a member meal appointment scheduled. We decided to do some house proselyting. This was the first time all transfer we had done house tracting together. When we arrived at the neighborhood of the member family we were going to be seeing later that night, we said a prayer and left our car. I asked Anziano Montalto where he felt like we should go and he pointed to a nearby apartment building. The third doorbell that we rang on that apartment building was a man that let us in! His name is Mario and we ended up teaching him the entire restoration. He's 29 years-old, in the military, and is obviously really well off. It was really cool testament seeing how the Lord can literally guide us to the people who will accept us into their homes. Bonus side note: After our lesson with Mario, we arrived at our meal appointment to find MASSIVE Mexican tacos waiting for us (with the secret ingredient of cinnamon in the sauce). 😍

I love you guys! Keep choosing the right and loving the people around you. :)

❤️Anziano Anderson 

  1. We went to an all you can eat burger place with some ward members and despite the deliciousness of the product, I left that place DEAD. The man who is holding up his hand tried to eat more hamburgers than me. He succeeded and was feeling pretty cocky about it. However, when we got outside the restaurant, he challenged me to a race in the parking lot and I destroyed him. Then, later that night, he told me he threw up three times. 😂💁🏻
  2. This is one of our Nigerian investigators named Sunday. I need to preface this picture with some back story: I used to watch The Office with my little sister Abbey and she was convinced that I had the exact same nose as Stanley Hudson. Upon close examination of this photo, you'll see that my nose is literally identical to Sunday's! I have some African in my genes. ;)
  3. Yesterday's zone conference! 
  4. Call us if you're interested in our English class. 😘
  5. Optimal p-day statue.
  6. Optimal lunch eating location.
  7. Optimal p-day activity. Side note: we spent our p-day with a couple from our ward and one of their friends... none of us had seen Star Wars!! 



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