Week 95 - Peace and Courage

by 5:39 PM 0 comments
What's up? It's been a great week here in Rimini (...and in Forlì,
Bologna, and Milano). We've been all over the place this past week and
have made a few friends along the way. Anziano Montalto and I have
been feeling like pretty hot stuff because our phone has been
exploding with messages. Thanks to the missionaries in Pesaro (long
story), we have a new contact named Giancarlo!

Giancarlo is basically the Italian, mentally handicapped version of
Kip (Napoleon's uncle). I love him!!! His mom died a couple months ago
and because he was quite the momma's boy, he's been taking it really
hard (to the extent where he carries around a picture of his mom in
public). After a little confusion, Giancarlo understands that we can't
call/text him all day and meet with him more than once a week. But, we
told him to feel free to text us and text us he does! By the end of
the day, we have a BOOK to read of messages that he's sent to us
during the day. Yesterday, we invited him to our ward's family night
and he brought something to share with everyone. When he lifted up the
lid to the special surprise he brought, it didn't appear to be edible
(there was definitely no recipe followed when making the unique food
item). A couple brave church members ate a piece! Hahaha, he's the

Giancarlo wasn't even the only referral we got this week. The
missionaries in Milano sent us a referral for a man named Michael
Zadok (look him up on Google). We had a lesson yesterday and were
getting to know each other... In my companion's introductory remarks
he said, "I'm Italian. I'm from the city of Sciacca in the province of
Agrigento". There was a little pause and then Michael exclaims, "Oh
Agrigento! I was in prison there for 5 years!" HAHAHA! WHAT?! Michael
was wrongly imprisoned for 5 years and now is going to get some big
bucks from the European Union. It's obvious that he's a very
intelligent man but it's also very clear that 5 years in an Italian
prison as an English speaker has had some mental affects on him too...
Fortunately, despite the difficulty of the last several years of his
life, he's obtained a testimony of Joseph Smith and has made it very
clear that he wants to be baptized.

Speaking of baptism, our friend Peace has a baptismal date for the
28th of July.  We're stoked! He's been reading in the Book of Mormon
and is still praying for his answer, but has July 28 as his
goal right now. Courage (the friend of Daniel that had a baptismal
date for June 30) will also be getting baptized on that day
too! Courage is one of the most sincere men I have ever met. He is
beyond excited to be baptized, but will need to work a few things
about before the 30th comes around. Anziano Montalto and I are really
grateful for the growing African community we have in the Rimini Ward.
In an Italian speaking country, it makes it so much easier for these
men to stay active and faithful in the church where there is adequate
support for them.

I am really rooting for Paola (the companion of Roberto) and Paolo
(the man with a member wife and daughter) right now! It's been such a
neat experience working with these part member families. I love being
in an environment where I'm able to bear my testimony to someone and
then have it backed up with one of their loved ones. We were teaching
the restoration to Paolo this week and the Spirit was definitely
present during the story of Joseph Smith. As I was baring my testimony
about the power of the Book of Mormon in our conversion, it was also
like I was baring testimony to myself.

The Book of Mormon contains the fullness of the gospel, but also a lot
of war stories. Paolo was skeptical that reading the FULL Book of
Mormon was necessary in gaining a testimony of the first vision
because there are a lot of "useless" parts about war and stuff that's
not applicable to us today. Well, in my testimony I talked about how
maybe there isn't a logical answer for our human mind that gives us
the answer to why there are so many war episodes in the Book of
Mormon, but it's God's way for us to gain a testimony in this
dispensation of Joseph Smith. We need to read the Book of Mormon,
ponder in our hearts the message it contains, and then ask God if it
is true. Being saved by looking at a brass serpent seems a little
weird based on human logic, but it was God's way for the people of
Moses. God's ways aren't always our ways, but we can be sure that His
way is always the perfect way. I walked out of the lesson with a
desire to plow through the Book of Mormon and act on Moroni's promise.

I love you guys! Keep reading the Book of Mormon and eating delicious
American food (predominantly Campbell's Bean with Bacon Soup and
Goldfish crackers).
❤️Anziano Anderson

1. After cleaning the Forlì apartment after sending off the elders, we
grabbed a gelato with the new Forlì sisters! The sister sitting right
next to me just came from the MTC and was good buddies with Logan
Anderton! So cool. :)
2. I had to take a little picture when Daniel walked into the church
building earlier this work wearing the same socks as me. Courage is to
his left!
3. The man himself, Giancarlo!
4. Fratello Silenzi
5. Franci (the daughter of Paolo) and her boyfriend (a recent convert
of the ward) eating American food with us
6. We waxed our baby girl this week and she was looking goooood. She
also has a nice lavender aroma wafting around the interior.
7. Mission council up in Milano
8. We're funny
9. Zone p-day!



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