Week 67 - Roller Coaster

by 9:51 PM 0 comments

Italian Hot Chocolate!

Being a missionary is a roller coaster of emotions. After finishing up work in the office yesterday, we headed over to a nearby cafe to meet Andrea. We were super excited at this point because Andrea is a really cool atheist guy we met earlier in the week who seemed interested in learning more about our church. We arrived at the bar and bought some hot chocolates to await for our friend..... We waited some more and called his phone a few times.... And, no Andrea. At this point, our excitement turned to disappointment.

But, the roller coaster ride isn't over yet. What was our backup plan if Andrea stood us up? We were going to do a less active pass-by and give them some leftover orange rolls we had laying around the office. When we knocked on the less active's door, THEY ANSWERED *excitement levels through the roof*. However, they said they were too busy and we can't come in *excitement crushed*.

What's next on the list? Well, since we were in the neighborhood, we decided to fancy ourselves with a little house proselyting. After a few rejections, I decided to mix it up a little bit and say something new. So, instead of saying "we have a special message about how families can be together forever" or we have a "beautiful video about Jesus Christ", I say something a little different to the guy that answered the apartment entry phone. "Good evening sir, we are the missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ and we're here to celebrate Christmas!" The man graciously told us, "Please, come in! Come in," and buzzed us in to the apartment building. We were all shocked! I bursted into the entry way of the apartment building and did an in-the-air fist bump I was so excited. Unfortunately, the excitement wore off a few seconds later when the man answered his door and saw the three Mormon missionaries. "Oh no, No, NO! Get out of here! I want MY missionaries... not you guys!" :(

The rejection didn't phase us too much because guess what? A few minutes later, a person let us into their actual apartment building!! Despite the overwhelming smell of cat urine, we were beyond excited to be welcomed into a strangers house! Unfortunately, after a couple minutes of small talk, the person that let us in found out we were RELIGIOUS missionaries (I'm not sure what he was originally thinking we were) and kicked us out. Our excitement died. Fortunately, last night's roller coaster ride ended on a high note that resurrected our excitement.... We had a member meal appointment!!! :D

"So why did God give Adam and Eve the commandment to not eat the fruit when he knew that they had to eat the fruit for us to be born," asked a seven year-old boy last night. While the mom was cooking dinner, we taught her two seven year old sons the Plan of Salvation lesson to help prepare them for their upcoming baptism. Seven year old boys are CRAZY and don't seem to be capable of sitting still, however they are brilliant! They were both asking some really profound questions. What happens to people's curiosity as we age? I think it would do humanity some good if we questioned as much as a child. 

One last cool thing before I go: I love my ward so much. Angelo Carona is a less active guy that Anziano Thompson and I met when doing a pass-by a few months ago. Now, he's coming to church every week (since not entering a church building for 5 years). ...Angelo is an odd guy. However, our ward has just embraced him and shown him so much love! 

Dinner with the Cruz family



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