Week 66 - Happy Thanksgiving

by 10:54 AM 0 comments

This week started out with a bang when I received a package in the mail.... From Sister N's mom! Hahaha, she sent me this big, chocolate, advent calendar in appreciation for my help with her daughter's package. It was super unexpected and super great! I may be a few thousand miles away from home, but I still managed to get my hands on an advent calendar without the help of Sister Badger. Hopefully my inner patience will hinder my desire to eat any more chocolates off the calendar before December 1st. ;) Luckily for me, my gift receiving didn't end with the advent calendar, President Allen's son came to visit Italy and he gave me an even better present- he repaired my mangled toe. 

Background information: I had a gnarly hang nail on one of my feet and it was causing me a little bit of discomfort. Last week, I was making small talk with one of my favorite families in the ward and told them about my toe problem. After showing them a picture, they felt so bad for me that they invited the missionaries over for Christmas lunch! B-)

Back to the real story. After a little talking with President's son after first meeting him, he whipped out his pocket knife and went to action on my foot. Within 10 minutes, my toe was completely healed. My toe is currently looking a lot less disgusting. 

In other news, it's been a very culturally pleasing week for me. I got to feel like a spoiled American earlier this week on Thanksgiving. My Thanksgiving consisted of Turkeybowl football with my zone and LOTS of food. I'm talking potatoes, rolls, turkey, and pies galore! Serving in the office really does have its perks. ;) 

Then, last night, I got to appreciate the cultural diversity of Italy. We had an activity in our church where everyone brought music, dances, and food from their cultures. It's really an incredible thing what we got going on here in Italy. We have members from all over the world- Bulgaria, Albania, South America- heck, we even have a few Americans in the ward. ;) If America wants to claim the nickname of the Melting Pot, then Italy must be the Melting Cauldron because we have a cultural smorgasbord over here. I love it!   

Sad story time. There has been some mischief going on in my neighborhood and earlier this week someone slashed a tire and drained the battery of one of our church vehicles! As the car guy, I was STRESSED because the following day, it was scheduled to be picked up and taken to auction (it was one of the older cars in the mission that was being sold). Luckily, I was able to get that car a little makeover and it was able to be taken off to auction. 



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