Week 68 - Hoopes

by 6:34 PM 0 comments

I've gotten pretty good at shmedazzling Sister Hoopes when it comes to hot chocolate and other desserts... "Sister Hoopes! It's almost Christmas time and we're missing the gingerbread smell in the office!" *30 minutes later gingerbread cookies appear in the office* Hahaha, I love the Hoopes so much! There's not a doubt in my mind that Elder and Sister Hoopes will be at my wedding! 

Random Hoopes Stories of the week:

Sister Hoopes: I was having a rough night because of some unfortunate things that came my way. Luckily, when I got back to the office at 9:30ish, Sister Hoopes was still in pounding away on her computer. I went in and talked to her for a little bit and she made me feel so good! She compared a Christmas analogy to my life situation: Little kids see Christmas as a very material thing- a day of presents and toys (level 1). Level 2 of Christmas thinking is to recognize that we are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. The THIRD level of a Christmas thinking is done by those who recognize that we are celebrating the birth of Jesus who later became our SAVIOR. The analogy fit very well for my unfortunate life situation and I went to bed with peace of mind!

Elder Hoopes: I've really wanted to get good at cooking, but have been too cheap/lazy to do much experimenting. However, I've committed to trying out one new dish a week with the end goal of blowing Elder Hoopes out of the water. He is a hard man to please when it comes to food! I'm not sure if it's because his wife is a master chef or just because he's picky, but the man can't be satisfied! I made a DELICIOUS pizza this week and after giving Elder Hoopes a piece, his response was, "This has potential to be good..." Potential?!!!!! LOL So, hopefully within a few weeks, I'll get something that will please the Simon Cowell of the office. ;)

My Pizza!

On a non-Hoopes related note, it's been a really cool day today! We went to a food expo in Milan and ate some pretty incredible foods from around the world. Then, we went to the stake's missionary activity in the center of Milan- caroling and Book of Mormon handing out. It was a little cold, but it definitely brought a little Christmas spirit into my heart.



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.


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