Week 62 - Turning 20

by 10:58 AM 0 comments

I've been feeling a little strange since waking up yesterday; I've broken out of the teens! This is the decade where some pretty crazy stuff happens. College, marriage, career, first kid??? Luckily, for now, I'm still in the protection of the mission field. I had a really great day yesterday! For my birthday, Anziano Scoggin and I took a little break from missionary work for a little birthday adventure... 

There is an inactive family in our ward (who I've mentioned to you before) that is seriously the greatest. Although they haven't been to church in years, every time we went over to their house, they would stuff us with delicious food and just watch us eat (they don't have a lot of money and they literally gave us everything they had). We haven't seen this family in about 2 months because after after our last visit, the husband and the wife got into a really bad fight and the wife confessed to us that her husband beats her. It was a really, really sad night.... We told the bishop the following Sunday and were advised not to visit them for the time being. SO, for my birthday wish, we made peanut butter kluckers (I forget the actual name, but they are the peanut butter Rice Krispie treats with chocolate on top) and delivered them to this family last night. ....I also wrapped the two scarves you bought me for my birthday and left them with the treats. I really appreciated the scarves, but considering one of the scarves was rainbow (a little too flamboyant for me), I realized that they were actually meant for the little boy and girl in the family! It worked out perfectly. We weren't sure how we were going to get into their apartment building, but luckily for us, the main door to the building was left open! So, we dropped off the goodies in front of their door, rang the doorbell, and ran. ;)

After sharing that story about my birthday success, I need to tell you about the two tragedies of the week (luckily there isn't anymore car accidents to report on). First off, Armando. Armando was a guy we met while street contacting last week and he told us he was interested in learning more about our church, so we scheduled an appointment for this for this past Wednesday. Anziano Scoggin and I were super excited to get a new contact. Unfortunately, when I called him on Wednesday to confirm the appointment, he asked me a really weird question while on the phone.... "Do you like little boys?" I didn't know if he was joking or not but I also didn't really care, that was the end of Armando! 

The second tragedy of the week has to do with Gian Luigi. We were doing some street contacting earlier this week and had an awesome conversation with this man who we ended up giving a Book of Mormon to. He said he'd be interested in hearing more from us, but I was unprepared... I had forgotten the pass-a-long cards with our phone number on it and didn't know our phone number by memory. So, when Gian Luigi told me to enter our phone number into his phone, I entered Anziano and Sister Hoope's number (I was able to read it out of our phone's contacts). I then gave the Hoope's phone a quick call so the number would be saved in their phone and we could just collect it from them later. TRISTEMENTE, I must have inputted the wrong number because the Hoopes didn't receive any call! Moral of the story: don't forget pass-a-long cards!!! I have committed to memorizing our phone number so that experience will never happen again. The good part of the situation is that he does have a Book of Mormon, so if he's truly interested, he'll find a way to get ahold of us. 

I'll end this story with a slice of happiness. We were meeting with Vito this week, a less-active who just got home from his mission two years ago. We visited him a couple weeks ago and he told us he wanted to take the sacrament again (he hasn't taken it for a year and a half). We commended him on his goal and invited him to church. The following Sunday, he came (this was the first time I had ever seen him in church)! Even though he came, I saw that he didn't take the sacrament and during all three hours, he was on his phone.... When we met with him this week, we had a really powerful talk. We helped Vito to make a plan to take the sacrament again and to get control of his phone habits. It was really cool walking out of his house knowing that we had helped him!

Choose the right and have a great week while doing so. :)



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