Week 59 - Opera at La Scala

by 10:30 AM 0 comments

It seems like a lot has happened since we last chatted. I'll try to bring you guys up to speed, so I can share about my miraculous moment last night. 

First, I went to an opera in the Scala last Saturday and I was able to appreciate the glorious history of the experience with the realization that operas have been a means of fancy-people entertainment for centuries. That being said, it was painfully boring and I read General Conference talks on my iPad the whole night to avoid falling asleep. 

Moving forward, it was transfer week this week and we sent home 13 departing missionaries and received a whopping 31 greenies. I really enjoyed being behind the scenes this week because I felt so un-autistic! I don't know any better way to describe it. Sometimes I feel like I am unable to express myself as clearly as I want or don't know  how to interact in a certain situation. However, this week I really felt good about my leadership skills. In the midst of the chaos, lack of sleep, and inevitable problems, I contributed to a very smooth week for the other missionaries. 

Unfortunately, transfers also affected our office staff and Anziano Thompson left to Como to become a zone leader. He's a great missionary and I've learned a lot from him. It's not easy being a "consecrated" missionary when you're in the office alł day, but I've learned from him that we can consecrate ourselves in different aspects of our lives. He hasn't baptized anyone here, but he's helped a lot of people change their lives.

Now, I want to share with you guys what happened last night. Anziano Scoggin and I were following up on a referral we had gotten. The referral was written in Spanish, so we were a little apprehensive visiting him when we don't hablar any espansol (assuming that he recently moved to Italy from a South American country). Low and behold, this man is an Italian that was living in Spain! His name is Salvatore and has been meeting with the missionaries for the past year and a half. It was a total "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" moment when he opened up his phone and pulled up the gospel library app- he's been reading the Book of Mormon everyday!! He assured us he'll be coming to church tomorrow. #stoked 

I have no idea why this man isn't baptized (other than the fact that he's not married to his companion), but I'm beyond excited to meet with this guy more often. Right now, he's living with his mom and sister and so they joined us last night as we talked about the church. The mom was so fond of us, she told us she was going to go to her kitchen and bring us a dolce Calibrese... AKA, a special dessert from Calibria (a city known for bomb Italian food). I was expecting some pretty delectable stuff from my experience of eating Calibrese food. The woman literally brought out RAISIN BAGLES. Oh Italy....

Then, this morning, after we went to a member's house to help him sort out his storage locker. It was ridiculously hilarious! He is a total pack rat and I had trouble containing my laughter at points because of the worthless stuff he wouldn't let us throw out. But, it was really cool because after we did the service, we gave his family a spiritual thought and they gave us a name of a woman that's interested in learning a little bit about our church.. We are going to be having a family home evening with her and the member family next week. #MiraclesOnMiracles

October 8, 2016



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