Week 63 - Gift of the Book of Mormon

by 6:58 PM 0 comments
Remember a couple weeks ago when I told you guys about my car accident? Well, last night I got in another one! Anziano Scoggin and I were driving downtown to do some proselyting and WHAM, I ran into a car while going through a roundabout. The man driving the other car didn't yield to me, so I ran straight into the front end of his car. We weren't going fast. No one was hurt. It wasn't my fault. Yet, the whole incident was really stressful. The little, old man driving the other car wouldn't accept the blame and so the police came to file a report. It's a little unfortunate that I damaged a brand new car, but thanks to our insurance, I think everything is going to be just fine. :) I felt the exact same way I felt on prom night a few years back after I nicked that other car on the freeway. Car accidents are no fun. I made Anziano Scoggin go with me to get cookies and milk after the whole fiasco was over to heal my morale a little bit. 

Other than last night's ordeal, it was a really good week. Halloween was non-existent for me last year, but since I'm in a residential neighborhood in a bigger city this year, I felt a little more American this time around. I gave out quite a bit of candy on Halloween night! I wanted to strap pass-a-long cards to the candy to give the kids a little treat that doesn't rot their teeth out, but President Allen didn't think it was the best idea. ;) 
Halloween night at the Cruz's house (Alex and Samuel)!! :) 

The festivities didn't end on Halloween, the next day a less-active member of the church that we visit invited me over for lunch to celebrate my birthday. In between every bite of that meal, I wanted to cry. We were fed some sort of meat (it's better for all of us if I don't find out what kind of meat it was), cheesy-plantains, and a warm oatmeal drink. The members of the church are so gracious here, but some of these South Americans have taste glands that don't match up to mine! 

On a more missionary note, I issued a tracting challenge to my district this week involving sincere prayers. Anziano Scoggin and I have been doing the challenge (except for last night) and have gotten a couple new contacts this week from our finding efforts. One of the new contacts, Cristian, let us in while we were knocking on apartment doors! Him and his family are from Romania and they said we can come back tonight. We are planning on bringing a less active ex-missionary that served in Romania to help us out. We're stoked! :D

Regarding some exciting news for our mission, we now have area book/daily planner capabilities on our iPads! I love the app and in my eyes, it's a tool that's going to help track investigators' progress easier and help missionaries use their time more effectively. Although, it's a little funny using the virtual area book because we have to be a lot more careful (and creative) on what we say about our investigators because of privacy laws. For example, I wouldn't be allowed to say that Alessandria (my fake investigator) is living with her boyfriend. Instead, the church instructional videos have taught me that I need to write, "During our appointment with Alessandria, there was a male present that didn't participate in the lesson."  

For any of you that don't have a gift to Jesus for Christmas, you should read the Book of Mormon between now and then! On Thursday, I convinced one of the AP's and Sorella Hoopes to do this Christmas challenge with me. Feel free to join in too (I'm only a couple days ahead of you). ;) And can I just say, that book is SO true?!  The more my gospel knowledge grows, the more I notice what a masterpiece it is. I read the verse 1 Nephi 14:10 today where it talks about how there is only two churches- the church of the lamb of God and the church of the devil. The scripture mentioned that whatever church doesn't belong to the God belongs to the great and abominable church. It reminded me of our lesson with Salvatore this week when he told us that the Lutheran church signed a contract-thing with the Catholic Church (I'm sure you know more about this than I do). I don't think this scripture was supposed to be taking literally, but I don't think it's cool that our church is going to become a bigger and bigger outlier in respect of the other churches because we belong to the Lamb of God's church.. We are living in the days when the latter day prophecies are being fulfilled. It's incredible! 



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