Week 89 - Stand up and start dancing

by 6:56 PM 0 comments
From May 10

Hehe, hi everyone! Tutto bene? It's been a really crazy week here in Rimini. I've learned a lot of new Italian words, the English word mollycoddle, and have taught my companion to say Molly Mormon and Peter Priesthood! 😂 A very desirable quality Anziano Montalto has is his touchiness. That boy can't keep his hands off me! And hey, I'm not going to complain if I get a free back pat or should rub every once in a while.

Random funny story: the Rimini sisters called us yesterday needing help and were freaking out. They were at the home of a less-active family trying to help one of the primary aged children with their math homework. The only problem was they forgot how to do long division! Haha, I got to feel like Kahn for a second and I broke it down for them and pretty much saved they day! 😏💁🏻

As for missionary work, we are baptizing a Nigerian man named Daniel this Friday. He is a spiritual giant and I got to interview him for baptism a few days ago. The interview was in the mid-afternoon before we had eaten lunch and let me tell you, by the end of the interview, I was ready for lunch. That man can talk! One thing is for sure, he has a testimony of this church!! At church on Sunday, I scared Daniel pretty bad. I was translating for him in gospel principles and after the closing prayer was said, I pretended like I was still translating what the teacher was saying and said, "Ok everyone, now stand up and start dancing!" Hahaha, the look of terror on his face was priceless. ;)

Other than Daniel, the Rimini investigator pool is pretty scarce.... Luckily, we're working to change that. Yesterday, we were meeting with an Ghanaian man named Nana that we met from calling old potential investigators from the phone records. We showed up at Nana's house and it was a zoo in there! He's living with a ton of other men. Most of the men were Arabic and thought the Mormon missionaries were pretty cool. Then, there was another African man in the room who was listening to music at the time and didn't give us the light of day. Anziano Montalto and I started the lesson and tried to get as many people to participate as we could; by the end of the lesson, all of our Arabian friends had departed and Samuel (the uninterested African) was taking notes of everything we were saying. It's funny how sometimes the most unlikely person becomes the new golden contact. Nana's comprehension wasn't the greatest, but Daniel totally understood the significance of Joseph Smith and has a sincere desire to read in the Book of Mormon.

An enlightening principle I'm learning more and more out here in the mission field is the importance of interpersonal relationships. If you're reading the Book of Mormon everyday, going to church every Sunday, but aren't trying to create friendships with others, I think you're failing. Verbal communication isn't always fun and it's sure as heck is tiring, but it's generally a lot more important than other things we set as our priorities! So, let's read the Book of Mormon more, go to church every week, and create stronger friendships with the people around us. :)

Random funny story number 2 that just popped into my head: some other missionaries were calling me selfish and Anziano Montalto asked me what they were calling me. Instead of giving him the definition for the word selfish, I told him the definition of handsome. He got a kick out of it when he learned what selfish actually meant. 😂

I love you guys! Show your moms a love of love this Sunday; they deserve it! ❤️



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