Week 56 - Happy Moments

by 9:23 AM 0 comments
This past week in church, I felt like I needed to start recording my "happy moments". I was reflecting on Ezra's diligence in his tender mercy journal and wanted to record a similar thing in my journal this past week. I say "similar" thing because some of my happy moments definitely weren't tender mercies- they were simply moments where I felt happy! I'm going to send you guys the result of my happy week.


-Lilly was close to tears as she lead the music today during sacrament meeting and I could tell that every one of her arm strokes was a form of baring testimony

-Mirco spent 10 minutes recounting his dream of Saviors On Mount Zion (a fantasy of his where we put on a restoration play)

-Anziano Hoopes brought me a big bowl of popcorn as I was doing some computer work and it felt just like mom making popcorn for me back in the day while I was playing Runescape

-Sorella Allen said I looked very handsome when she greeted me for the first time

-Fratello Diaz (a less-active member who I've met once) surprised me by remembering that I was from Washington


-I got a "bee" positive card from the family with a picture of a bee on the front

-While the windows were rolled down, a putrid cow diarrhea smell entered into our car

-After learning that Anziano Thompson's first name was Josh, 9 year-old Alex Cruz changed his name to the second president of the United States, "Josh Washington"


-We heard a New Yorker speaking in a cafe (it was English speaking from a non-Nigerian)

-I read a general conference and it literally felt like God was speaking directly to me

-The Hoopes thought I lost one of the office credit cards, but to my relief, I didn't

-A gelateria worker from Barbados (that's where Rihanna is from) gave us free gelato samples

-Julieta told me that I looked like Edward from Twilight

-Camilla challenged me to a country dance competition and I (kinda) won


-Anziano Thompson told me that I had a consistent, powerful, "not bad" smell

-Viviana (a friend from Livorno) randomly emailed me

-Anziano Thompson remembered how much I love lentils and made me some BOMB lentil soup for lunch

-We recounted our favorite movies to each other while Lauren Daigle blasted in the background


-At President Allen's birthday breakfast, Anziano Hoopes made a joke that nobody understood and Anziano Thompson was the only one brave enough to resist pity-laughing by asking for clarification

-There was a moment of deep gratitude for Joseph Smith while listening to a conference talk

-Sorella Hoopes and Sorella Allen surprised us with tuna fish sandwiches and smoothies for lunch

-We took companionship selfies in our clean house

-Sorella Allen played Gethsemane on the piano for us

-Anziano Scoggin gave me a rundown of an Office episode that had long escaped my memory

-Sorella Allen surprised US with freshly baked potatoes when we went over to the mission home to surprise president with birthday gelato


-President Allen showed up to our basketball game in a backwards hat and basketball shorts

-Anziano Marocchi told me about what it took to come back out to the mission field (He is an elder from my group that just came back yesterday after being gone since his 3rd transfer)

-I messed up my bank pin a few times while attempting to fill up gas which lead into a riveting conversation about Spongebob with the gas attendant

-The Bogdanoff family has fresh arancini waiting for us when we dropped by to give them a spiritual thought (my all-time favorite food on this planet)

-Sorella Bogdanoff's reaction when she shook my (SLIGHTLY MOIST) hand

I love you all. Have a happy week!



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