Week 55 - Restoration

by 9:03 PM 0 comments

I enjoyed my week this week, But, despite my week's goodness, I feel like I have very little to share with you all. I feel like the office is sucking away my spirituality! Just kidding, but... I feel like I'm just a normal dude most of the time which is not always the best feeling to have when being a missionary! :( I can't lie though, it was an exhilarating moment driving off a Ford car lot this week in a BRAND NEW CAR (even though it was a normal dude feeling rather than a spiritual feeling). Our mission is switching out quite a few vehicles right now with brand new ones and it's been really cool having some stress thrown at me. I've been on the phone with repair shops, car dealerships, and insurance people. This week has definitely humbled my language ability a little bit as I've been forced to use a lot of new car terms.

I've taught the restoration lesson like a bazillion and one times on my mission, but we taught about the restoration to Valentina this week (less active teenage girl) and it was one of my favorite lessons that I have ever been apart of! I don't think she really got the apostasy very well until we broke things down for her. We got to see a total light-bulb go off when she realized why Joseph Smith was so necessary and what he actually did.

Sending good vibes your way!

Vi voglio bene,
Anziano Anderson

MTC friends at District Leader Training



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