Week 53 - Unspotted Lamb

by 7:52 PM 0 comments

Now that I'm in the office, I feel like I don't have a whole lot to share when it comes to emailing home. Unless you want to hear about hour long phone calls with a scary "German Fleet Coordinator". there's not a ton of super exciting news to share. Although, I am REALLY excited for a mission conference we will be having in a few weeks when Elder Holland comes to our mission!! I don't want to say one General Authority is better than another, but c'mon, if we had to hand-pick a General Authority, we all know who we would choose. ;) The office elders are trying to get President Allen to invite Elder Holland over for a special dinner at the mission home when he's over here... I've eaten dinner with my family, with pretty girls, but eating a dinner with Elder Holland would be something else!

The coolest experience I had this week occurred last night. For the first time since arriving in Milan, I was in an angry mood...Something had pushed my buttons a little bit and I wasn't feeling a whole lot of love. But, I knew I was going to have to put on a happy face because we were on our way to the Ponce's house. The Ponce's are a really cool less-active family from Ecuador with two adorable little kids (one of which is a little girl that always has me worried with her flirty antics around me). Upon arriving at the Ponce's, we found out they wanted to feed us! This isn't the typical Italian family of 20 years ago where food is bought fresh everyday and the mom spends half of her life cooking; this is a poor South American family. The table wasn't set for all of us, it was only set for the missionaries. It was humbling experiencing as the family filled our stomachs because they fed us their unspotted lamb (GOOD FOOD) and I knew they were going to be eating their blemished lambs (GARBAGE FOOD) after we left. It was a meal that really touched my heart.

After the meal, we shared our planned message out the Holy Ghost and it was just what they needed! The parents opened up about how they haven't recognized the Spirit in their life for years and I was really able to relate with them. As a missionary, I haven't experienced more of those "oh my goodness, I'm feeling the Holy Ghost moments" then I did before the mission. But, I was able to bear a genuine testimony to them that as I've sought the Spirit more diligently since being in the mission field, I've been able to receive what I believe to be God-sent guidance more often. I also was able to truthfully look them in the eyes and say that although I couldn't feel a spiritual aura all the time, the times when I know I don't have the Spirit with me have become a lot more discernible (through a bad thought, an act of disobedience, etc.).

The office life has been different, but I'm really enjoying my time here. Have a great week amori!



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