Week 40 - Eating like a king

by 7:53 AM 0 comments
This week was goooooood. Even though I'm a missionary, this week I was able to eat like a king. I had a bistecca fiorentina yesterday after our companionship exchange in Florence (a MASSIVE steak that put a few hairs on my chest). We got in contact with an old investigator from the area book that calls himself the RagĂą King and got fed some killer pasta during our first lesson with him. And finally, a member took us and his non-member friend to a pizzeria that fed me the best pizza I've eaten here in Italy. Unfortunate side note: Anziano Buckles and I felt a little swindled when we went to pay for our pizzas. When we went up to the cashier to pay, the non-member friend told the cashier we were splitting the bill four ways... HOWEVER, Anziano Buckles and I purposely choked down our pizza without a drink during the meal not wanting to pay the hefty drink fee (opposed to the member and his friend who bibbled on Coca Cola with their pizza through the who meal).

Regarding missionary work, Valerio came to church this week! A member picked him up from his house on Sunday and brought him to church. Then, when Valerio walked in the doors to the church, he found out his neighbor (a very good friend of his) is a member of our ward! It was miraculous that his neighbor was even at church because she is less-active and comes once in a dead pope (that's how Italian's say once in a blue moon). SO, we are going to try and get the less-active member to provide Valerio with rides to church every week. Then, we can convert an investigator while re-activating a less-active member!


Speaking of less-actives, early this week, we were in an area of town really close to a less-actives house that we knew of. So, we decided to pay her a little visit! We had been trying to contact this particular lady for the past few weeks, but she changed phone numbers and the calls we made to her weren't ever going through anymore. When we got to the lady's house, we saw that she was in the middle of moving! She'll be out of her current house and moved into her new house by the end of this week (still here in Livorno). Although, she denied our offer to help them move, we walked away from her house with the new phone number and the location of the new house (something that we would not have been able to get if we passed-by her house a couple weeks later). Her and her non-member husband also said that we are welcome to come over for dinner next week and to share a message with them!

Vi voglio un sacco di bene,

Looking like tourists



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.


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